Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd ; Hard Cover, Fiction, Picture Book ; Recommended


It tells of a small unspecified animal who was the only one of her kind, who didn’t know what she was called or where she came from, so when other animals in her community ask, “wutaryoo,” she simply repeats it back at them, and listen as all her animal friends tell their origin stories. Eventually, tired of not having her own story to tell, she sets off to search for it. Along the way, she meets several creatures she’s never seen before, but eventually finds herself back where she started. At first sad and disappointed, she now finds herself facing new questions: Are you all right? Where did you go? What did you see? What did you hear? And this time she has her own story to tell, not about where she came from, but about where she went and what she did.