Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd ; Hard Cover, Fiction, Fantasy ; Recommended

The Forest Fairy Pony by Sarah Kilbride

Princess Evie is worried. She starts a new school soon and wonders if she’ll make friends. Luckily, she has a stable full of magic ponies to take her mind off that worry. She saddles up Willow and heads down the magical tunnel of trees to an enchanted forest, where she meets her friend, Holly, the fairy. Holly is preparing for a new group of fairies, who will be taking her class. As Evie helps Holly prepare for the student fairies and takes part in the magical class with her fairy partner, she realizes that her new school will be a source of new friendships and adventures. She returns home in a better frame of mind for her first day at her new school.

Short chapters and numerous illustrations make this short book a nice transition book for young readers. The elements of magic, ponies and princesses will entice readers and they will learn something at the end with pony and phoenix facts as well as a short discussion piece to share thoughts and knowledge. Part of the Princess Evie series – recommended.