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The Art of Wishing

A happy central character with a life plan and the confidence to see it through: That’s Margo McKenna, high school musical theatre talent, promising musician, who usually gets what she wants. Enter Vicky, lackluster non-actress who gets the lead role Margo ought to have had, and Oliver, Vicky’s mysterious companion, and suddenly the known world is very odd indeed.  Why are people so blind to Vicky’s acting inability? Why do they dote on her? And who is Oliver really?

Lindsay Ribar’s first book is engaging, believable magical realism, brightly written and well developed. Oliver, a gentle genie, comes into Margo’s life summoned by the wishing ring Vicky has abandoned. As Margo begins to understand the power Oliver offers, she also begins to fall in love with him, leading to an ultimately surprising consequence when she defeats the dark genie that wants to end Oliver’s life, thus changing her own forever. The inevitable but unexpected ending promises sequels.

This easy to absorb novel creates a whole new world of genies and ‘masters’ for the modern world. It will be interesting to see what Ms Ribar has in store for Margo and Oliver is the next phase of their existences in this paranormal romance.  Recommended