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Pete Bogg: King of the Frogs

What I thought was going to be a fractured fairy tale of the Frog Prince turned out to be much more.

This tale of being half frog and half human blends itself nicely into the graphic novel format.

While Pete enjoys living in the swamp with his frog father, he doesn’t always fit into the total frog lifestyle – he’s at least 10X bigger than the other frogs, plus he wears clothes. Then unexpectedly while his tongue is shooting out to catch a fly, it sticks to a speeding car and Pete finds himself in the city. Now Pete finds himself in a middle school trying to fit in scholastically, athletically, and at lunch socially. When Pete is revealed as half frog/half human he jumps through a window and finds himself at the edge of the trash-filled school pond. Suddenly, but effectively, Pete springs into ‘reuse’ , ‘reduce’, and ‘recycle’ mode. The students help Pete clean up the pond for  happy ending.

Some of the boxed time signatures are off and there is a misspelled word on page 7  (loose, should be lose).

Includes: Visual Questions.