When Whales Fly by Erica S. Perl

Whale, Quail and Snail are hanging out watching the clouds when Whale states that she wishes she could fly. Snail, in a very matter-of-fact voice, tells her that she can learn to fly and that he and Quail will teach her. Quail is pretty dubious about this and states repeatedly that whales cannot fly. Snail believes it can happen and, eventually, Whale leaps (or flies) out of the water much to her delight and astonishment. Her big splash knocks Quail off the surfboard and Quail flounders, because he can’t swim. Whale offers to teach him how, because she’s a great swimmer…and pretty good at flying, too (according to Quail).

This Level Two reader has very accessible text and slightly longer sentences and simple chapters. Illustrations are bright and cartoon-like, filling the page with happy color. This is a fun story in a book that feels like a chapter book, perfect for young readers ready to move up a notch from picture books. Recommended.