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Superhero School

Henry goes to superhero elementary school. Henry isn’t the best in his course work there. He isn’t strong enough to “juggle refrigerators”. He hasn’t learned to fly yet. He doesn’t seem to have super powers. “Maybe I should just leave Superhero School.”  Then one day, “a gigantic monster appears outside their [classroom] windows!” The superhero students go on the offensive to capture this monster, which illustrator Philippe Goossens, has made to look like a 4-story tall giant blue furry Cookie Monster from Sesame Street. When the superhero student collective cannot successfully subdue the monster, in steps Henry with his pranks and saves the day. Then the other superheroes return to tie it up and “shoot it right back to the planet it came from.”

I was saddened to see the superheroes immediately jump to the conclusion this gigantic blue furry creature was something bad. Neither text nor illustrator show the creature is actually bad before the superheroes go after it.