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Doggone Feet!

The end papers begin with 7 distinct sets of footprints in sizes, shapes, and colors strolling across the pages. One by one the owners of these footprints are introduced by a dog, the narrator, who followed a set of legs home from a park. When the first new set of feet is added the dog is not immediately fond of them. Months later, tiny pink socks show up, followed by blue boots, then small feet with green rubber grippers, and finally on Sundays by a visitor – probably a grandmother. With the arrival of each set of feet there is something the dog doesn’t like, but there is usually more food landing on the floor for her. The story ends with 3 new sets of puppy feet joining the home. There is always room for family feet.

The pictures from a dog’s point-of-view and sentiment are cute, though the rhythm and repetition are not quite on the mark.