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A cross between the film Stand By Me and the novel Lord of the Flies, Nothing is a gripping novel that will grasp the reader by the throat, or the heart, and not let go until the chilling conclusion.

Set in a small suburban town in Denmark, the story revolves around a class of 7th grade students and one of it’s members who flees the classroom on the first day of the school year, shouting “Nothing matters…I’ve known that for a long time. So nothing’s worth doing. I just realized that.”

This student spends the better part of the school year perched in a plum tree in his yard, overhanging the sidewalk that carries the other classmates to and from school.  His verbal taunts push them to the point of distraction and they decide that they must do something to prove to him that life does matter.

The efforts to which the students go to prove to him that there are things that really do matter will grip the reader.

A compelling novel, full of turns one does not even begin to suspect, is not for the faint of heart. A modern day Lord of the Flies.