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Erec Rex: The Search for Truth, Bk #3

The raving reviews on the back book jacket got me to pick this book up, and I cannot adequately express my disappointment.  In much of the beginning of the book, Kingsley repetitiously goes over, again and again, the previous two books, neither of which I have read.  But it doesn’t usually take me much to bring me up to speed, since I get the gist of what’s going on.  However, the action/plot was choppy, jumping all over the place.  I couldn’t care less about what happened to the main characters; there was nothing to make them at all endearing.  For example, they start out at a grocery store and Erec comes out of a fog sitting in a shambles–poof–they’re home–poof–he’s in a magical timetravel contraption his ‘mother’ conveniently has–poof–he ends up with the bad guy because he goofed in his wishing where to go–poof–he’s in a dentist’s chair waiting to have his eyes removed–poof–he’s being saved.  I really don’t care if he’s saved or not.  He, Erec, does nothing to prove his worthiness.  Ughhhh—halfway through the book I wanted to scream.  Contrary to what the reviews say on the book jacked, and I seriously think they were taken out of context, this is nowhere near Harry Potter quality.  So don’t worry J. K. Rowling, no one’s going to knock you off your throne!