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Zeke Meeks vs the Horrifying TV-Turnoff Week

I cannot figure out if I like this book because it is so well written or because of a parental point-of-view.  Like most typical third-graders, Zeke and his friends and classmates are addicted to monitors, be it TV or video games.    Much of their conversations and sayings stem from TV show characters or video game characters; not too many original thoughts swirling around.  Their teachers challenge the students to not watch TV nor play video games for one week–the most cruel punishment ever!  And what delighted me was that the parents supported it!  (I really think that’s the most unrealistic part of the story.)  Kids found that they actually enjoyed playing with friends, family interactions, and learning how to entertain themselves.  Behavior improved as well as grades, all because of no TV.  I’ve often tried this at my home with my three sons, but it was my husband who couldn’t tear himself away from ESPN.  And there it went–poof!  If he could do it, so could they.  This story is humorous as well as the illustrations.  I’m interested to see if kids read and like this book and actually take this message to heart.