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You’re Mean, Lily Jean!

A sweet, simple story, useful for addressing bullying problems.  Carly and Sandy are two sisters who enjoy playing together until a new neighbor moves into the neighborhood.  Lily Jean seems to enjoy being on a power trip, and only wants to play with Sandy.  She will only allow Carly to play if she takes on the demeaning roles Lily assigns.  Sandy sort of half-hearedly tries to stick up for Carly a few times, but gets over-ruled.  In the end, when Lily Jean tries to exclude Carly altogether and tells Sandy to come over to her house to play, Sandy finally says no, and insists she’s going to stay and play with Sandy.  Then Lily Jean wants to play badly enough she declares she’ll be anything they want, so Carly and Sandy demand she be nice, and she agrees.  Though perhaps unrealistically simplistic in finding resolution to a big problem that is usually not so easily solved, it is a good conversation starter, and illustrates well how easily bullying can get started.