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Your Life as a Cabin Boy on a Pirate Ship

In this series, the reader is invited to play a role.  In this case, a cabin boy explains life on board a pirate ship in 1730.  The narrator “directs” the action and provides additional facts.  The artwork is a combination of acrylic and digital.  The crew, lingo, food, weapons, and customary behaviors fill each page.  The text tells of life long ago without romanticizing that of a pirate.  Extra text boxes in the form of planks supply even more information.  Other topics in the series show life as a settler in Colonial America, a pioneer on the Oregon Trail, an explorer on a Viking ship, and a cabin attendant on the Titanic.  Glossary, index, and books to read are in the back with a Facthound internet site.  Suggested books are written at a higher reader level than this book, but readers will probably enjoy information from each.  A publisher website for kids has projects, games, quizzes, and contests – fun, but not necessarily related to this series.