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White Rose

This novel, written in verse, is based on the incredible story of Sophie Scholl, a young German college student who challenged the Nazi regime during World War II as part of The White Rose, a non-violent resistance group. Sophie, her brother, and soldiers in his regiment, are disillusioned by Nazi propaganda and together they formed the White Rose,a group that conducted an anonymous leaflet and graffiti campaign for a few years in the 1940s. Sophie and her brother were arrested in 1943 for treason and interrogated for information about their collaborators.

The books is organized in sections that move backward and forward in time. We hear Sophie’s thoughts, those of her boyfriend, Fritz, who served in the German army, and those of the Gestapo interrogator. This is a tragic but powerful story which is beautifully told. It is appropriate for middle school and high school students, and adults interested in history and novel in verse will also appreciate White Rose.