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Water Pollution: What is it? Why is it happening? Does it matter?

Sean Price gives us the most basic and general of information on the causes and effects of water pollution created by human activity. Causes include farms’: animal waste, fertilizers and pesticides; industrial waste dumping; and human residential sewage.

The water pollution is talked about from past history to the present as causing health problems for wild life and humans including: diseases, such as, cholera and ‘dead zones’ were plant and/or animal life have been poisoned to extinction in specific areas.

The creation and need for the EPA is discussed.

There are 7 insets entitled ‘Eye-openers’ and 6 entitled ‘Question Time’ sprinkled throughout the 32 pages of this book, as well as, 6 diagrams and graphs. The Eye-openers give additional information and the Question Time sections give further explanation to the information introduced on that page.

This book believes in the saying a picture is worth a thousand words. There are pictures on every page.

The Table of Contents lists “Where to Find Out More” on page 31, but this section is missing.