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The Three Little Pigs

This folk tale classic is a joy to read and should be an integral part of every elementary school library.  This version has a delightful cover with gold embossing for the title and author’s name.  The pictures are simple, colorful, and interesting, without clutter to distract the reader.  The story remains true to it’s origins, three pigs each build a house only to be threatened by the big, bad wolf.  The first pig’s house of straw and the second pig’s house of stick, are blown down and the pigs eaten by Mr. Wolf.  At the third house, Pig was smart and build of bricks.  Mr. Wolf couldn’t blow it down, nor could he trick Pig into coming out.  Pig outsmarted Mr. Wolf and ate him instead.  Every kindergartener should be familiar with this story and if s/he isn’t, needs to have these classics read to him time and time again.  Great for patterning, predicting, and other literary devices.