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The Story of Fish and Snail

Best friends Fish and Snail live in a book.  Each day, Fish journeys to a new book and returns home with a story to tell Snail.  Then one day Fish returns all excited to show Snail the fun and adventure of a pirate ship and treasure discovered in another book.  Timid little snail likes the quiet and safety of their own book where they can pretend to be kittens.  They argue and Fish angrily leaves.  Snail is sad and hesitant after Fish is gone.  Gathering courage and taking a leap, Snail tumbles down into the new book.  Surprised, Fish congratulates Snail’s bravery for leaving the security of their old book.  Snail is tentative but willing to try a big adventure in small steps, as a kitten pirate, as long as they can be together.  The gender of Fish and Snail is never revealed, leaving it to the reader.  The message of all the wonders found in books cannot be missed.  Beautifully illustrated in watercolor and pencil, this book is sure to attract readers.