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The Scoop on Clothes, Homes, and Daily Life in Colonial America

Jam-packed with fascinating information, maps, photos, colorful illustrations, brief primary sources, and fact boxes, this book provides readers with a detailed look at life in the 1600s.  A variety of people from many countries settled in colonial America for several reasons.  Life was hard, clothing mostly unsuitable, homes drafty and dark, and work seemingly unending.  Celebrations provided times to gather for fun and relaxation.  The text is written at a 4th – 5th grade reading level and provides clear, factual information in a pleasing format.  Other books in the series are: The Cold, Hard Facts about Science and Medicine in Colonial America, The Dish on Food and Farming in Colonial America, and The Real Story about Government and Politics in Colonial America.  This set will assist the reader to step back in time to get a realistic look at life 400 years ago.  Books for further reading, glossary, internet sites, index, and a primary source bibliography are found in the back of the book.