4th, 5th, Middle School, 6th, 7th, 8th ; Hard Cover, Fiction, Fantasy, Magical Realism, Mystery ; Not Recommended

The Hidden Knife

Not since Harry Potter have I enjoyed a magical book this much! The protagonist is 12 year old Vicky or Victoria once her emotions have been removed to ease the pain over her family’s murders. Victoria is bound and determined to find who murdered her family and why.

Vicky’s mother, Kat, had once been the chief guard of the Glass Queen, but the loving queen changed years ago. Kat’s friends from her younger days, will help Vicky achieve her goal.

Oh, did I mention, there are gargoyles and kelpies in this story to help Vicky, along with the use of protection spells.

Victoria is one formidable young lady. She does not mince words in dealing with those who try to keep her from her goal. Victoria does acquire some help from a few students who have been instructed to watch out for her, but she does not make working with her enjoyable, at first.

Enjoy the murder mystery, the friendships, the personal strengths, and the magical animals from the Netherwhere – “Small acts of love, of loyalty, of justice were adding up…like ripples. A small act flowed into a towering wave–and that was true in any world.” (256)