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The Handy Science Answer Book

From wind chill charts to how a GPS works, this Fourth Edition of  The Handy Science Answer Book really has the answers.  And as the title suggests, the arrangement and the short answers really do make it handy.  I believe this book could be a life saver for a student who’s tackling a difficult concept and needs a point at which to begin.

A chart identifies the smallest and largest vertebrates.  Another chart gives official names of male and female animals, such as alligators, which are known as “bulls” and “queens.”

If you have the time, pick this book up and just read it.  The Concise, well-written and sensible answers will tell you if groundhogs can accurately predict the weather or if a ring around the moon can do the same.  There’s even a section that explains general relativity in just eight lines.  What could be better than that?