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The Early Cretaceous: Notes, Drawings, and Observations from Prehistory

Imagine studying prehistoric life first hand. Well, that is what you will find in this book that is set up like a naturalist’s journal. Drawings and notes fill the pages with descriptions of animals that many of us wish we could see standing before us (although, the carnivores could stand a ways away from us). The newest scientific information is presented in a format that makes us feel as if we are reading notes from a scientist that has actually recorded data from living, breathing organisms. Helpful comparisons in size between humans and dinosaurs are a highlight of each two to four page section. Would-be paleontologists will study this book in – depth and dream of their own discoveries to come. Add this book to your dinosaur collection – it’s a nice update.

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About Candy Ranney

Candy is an elementary school librarian in Shelton, WA at the school where she was a student (so many years ago!). Her library is unique in that she brings her background and love of biology to her students in many ways. Not only does she have an awesome selection of science books; she also has a beaver, bobcat and mink sitting on her shelves and a variety of jarred specimens for her students to study. When she's not in the library, she is taking care of her baby trees on her tree farm and hanging out with her family and many pets.