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The Donkey Egg

Bear and Hare are back after their escapades in Tops and Bottoms. Fox stops by Bear’s ramshackle home and sells him a $20 watermelon, convincing him that it is a donkey egg. Well, Bear takes care of that “donkey egg” for quite awhile. He does a great job caring for it, keeping it warm and playing with it. Hare stops by occasionally (he seems to be training for a race against a tortoise) to give bear encouragement. One day, Bear falls asleep and the “egg” rolls away from him and crashes, breaking into several large pieces of watermelon (surprise!). Bear and Hare decide to make the best of it, after Bear realizes he was fooled by the Fox. They plant the seeds and end up with so many lovely watermelons! They take some to town to sell and buy …a donkey! Fox sees the trio and the book ends with Fox scratching his head and climbing up on a watermelon.

The story moves smoothly along, with some interesting facts about time along the way. This might distract some readers, but most won’t be bothered. They will be busy moving on to the next page to find out what will happen with Bear, Hare and the ‘egg’ on the next pages. The illustrations are wonderful. It is like seeing old friends again after several years away (24 years since Tops and Bottoms). Highly recommended.

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About Candy Ranney

Candy is an elementary school librarian in Shelton, WA at the school where she was a student (so many years ago!). Her library is unique in that she brings her background and love of biology to her students in many ways. Not only does she have an awesome selection of science books; she also has a beaver, bobcat and mink sitting on her shelves and a variety of jarred specimens for her students to study. When she's not in the library, she is taking care of her baby trees on her tree farm and hanging out with her family and many pets.