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The Captivating, Creative, Unusual History of Comic Books

The title is a small glimpse of the POW!er of this book.  Small in size, but full of punch, this 48 page wonder covers the origin of comics, debuts of the main characters throughout comic history, changes in comics due to changes in societal norms, as well as the changing audience for comics in their various forms — including brief pages on comix, indies, manga, and other graphic novels.   Full of interesting tidbits, this book would be suitable for elementary through high school libraries.  Paragraphs of text are in a very small type font that would be hard for younger elementary, though the full color, glossy page comic art filled pages will definitely make it a page turner in it’s own right.  This is probably an additional purchase unless there is a comic assignment or huge draw to graphic novels in your school as there is in mine.