Cat Wishes

Cat is very hungry as he wanders around the woods and catches a snake. This snake is magical, though, and offers Cat three wishes if he releases the snake. Cat doesn’t believe in wishes, but lets the snake go. He is still hungry and wishes for a fish, which he catches. Still skeptical, he wishes for a house when he becomes cold and wet in the rain. A lovely, warm house with a cushion for him to lie appears before him. He still doesn’t believe in wishes, but as darkness falls he wishes for a friend and a little girl quietly enters the room. She describes a wiggly snake that granted her three wishes – a picnic basket, a coat and a friend, the Cat.

Gentle illustrations accompany spare text to make this fairy tale come a sweet story to share with young students. This a great addition to your library.

Seriously, Snow White was So Forgetful! : The story of Snow White as told by the Seven Dwarfs

A fractured fairy tale that shows us Snow White as a very chatty, forgetful sort. Staying mainly on course for the plot line, Loewen gives us a different look at Snow and Prince Charming too. The story is told by Seven (Snow can’t remember the dwarfs names but can remember their designated number).  He tells a tale of how Snow came to live with the seven dwarfs and how it takes the Queen three attempts to finally curse Snow (with the spell she casts in the  traditionally version of the story). But no yucky kissing to break the spell, no sir.  The spell is broken by an unfortunate slip and the possibility of some lunch.
Nicely illustrated by Gerald Guerlais.  Children will enjoy concentrating on the pictures during a read aloud.  Independent readers may linger a bit longer on each page just to absorb the content of the drawings.