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Stone Soup with Matzoh Balls: A Passover Tale in Chelm

Linda Glaser takes this well-known classic tale and adds all new charm to it by setting it in the fictional Jewish village of fools- Chelm.

“You know what we say at Passover,” the stranger proclaimed to the people in the square. ‘All who are hungry come and eat’.”   The town’s people, of course, try to shoo the stranger away. Then, he shows them his stone that can make delicious matzoh ball soup. Little by little the stranger coaxes the villagers to bring out first the salt, then the onions, followed by garlic, carrots, celery, and chicken.  The stranger is called to task for not having matzoh balls in the soup.  His stone can make matzoh balls so heavy they will stay in your stomach for a week. To this the Chelm villagers bring out their famous light matzoh balls and put them into the soup. Then, “it took four men to lug the pot into the synagogue– the only place where everyone would fit for the Seder… The stranger spread his arms wide and proclaimed, ‘ All who are hungry, please come and eat!'”

On the page turn, the reader will learn about “A Little about Passover”, “A Little about Chelm”, and “A Little about Stone Soup”.