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Stalker Girl by Rosemary Graham

With the ease of finding information about people online, at what point does a little snooping become stalking?  When the love of your young life dumps you and you find out who the new girlfriend is, wouldn’t you want to look her up online?  Would you want to see her in person?  Carly did.  Natural curiosity combined with the need to bring closure to a heart-wrenching break-up brings the reader on an adventure in Part 1 of Stalker Girl.  Carly innocently believes that just seeing the new girl will help her understand and move on from the relationship.  But Taylor is different, and Carly needs to see more.  In Part 2, the reader hits rewind and gets to learn of how Carly and Brian met.  Carly is just a normal teen with the dysfunctional family we all have. Brian is the super sweet guitar playing friend who quickly becomes more than a friend in a summer romance.  But when school begins and Brian’s band takes more of his time, Carly’s too clingy for Brian.  Enter part 3 where Carly is now being questioned by not only her parents but a defense lawyer.  How did it go from quiet observations to a threatened lawsuit?   What else could Carly have done?  Readers will feel for Carly and see the knot she ties around herself.  A steadily paced narrative that with the right sales pitch will have interest to most teen girls.