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Spring for Sophie

In Spring for Sophie, a young girl explores the transition from winter to spring using all her senses.”When will I know when spring is coming?” asks Sophie.  Her mom tells her to listen for the birds to start to sing.  At first Sophie hears nothing, but slowly the first chirps are followed by more birds announcing that spring is coming.  Sophie then wonders, “How will I know when spring is getting even closer?”  Her dad tells her to use her feet; when the ground gets softer then spring is closer.  Again, Sophie has to wait until finally the ground feels softer.  “How will I know when spring is really here?” she finally asks.  Her mom answers that her eyes and nose will tell when spring is here.  Then one day after the snow had melted, Sophie tastes the arrival of spring as she catches the rain on her tough.

A good choice for investigating the seasons as well as using all five senses to observe the natural world.