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Speed Training for Teen Athletes: Exercises to Take Your Game to the Next Level

This non-fiction book offers exercises for teens that develop athleticism related to various sports.  Each chapter focuses on a different part of the body (feet, legs, hips and core, upper body and arms) beginning with the demands of particular sports and relating the exercises to developing the strength and speed to excel in those sports.  The exercises are presented clearly with step-by-step instructions, a list of necessary props as well as some possible modifications.  The importance of staying hydrated, warm up and cool down, and safety are emphasized and explained throughout the text.  The photography is engaging and related to the text.  Sports stars as well as teens of various ethnic backgrounds are featured.  There is a table of contents, index, glossary and resource pages.  This book was well-written and engaging.  I think it will be an asset to our students who enjoy sports and will encourage healthy physical activity.