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So Now You’re a Zombie: A handbook for the newly undead

Here is a ‘how-to’ guide for new zombies. Author, John Austin, has written this manual in a serious tone which comes across as being very thought provoking: including cross-references, charts, graphs, diagrams, and maps in black, white, gray and with profuse amounts of ‘blood’ red. The nine chapters:(1) What the Hell Am I?, (2) Your Zombie Body, (3) Know Your Enemy, (4) Hunting for Brains, (5) Transportation, (6) Attacking, (7) Human Buffet, (8) Infecting, and (9) In the End, cover the zombie subject matter thoroughly to the point of tedium at times. BUT will a ‘zed’ actually ever read this self-help manual? Probably not, since Austin admits in the final chapter zombies don’t have a brain capable reading /comprehending.

I had moments while reading, where I thought the book’s premise could easily have been improved by changing the subject from zombies to any other predator; examples- lions, alligators, wolves, or even space aliens.

The word usage ( screw responsibility, F responsibility, pissed off, dammit, bastards, S.O.B., hell…) leaves much to be desired when being considered for purchase for the school library market.

The publisher does have this book cataloged for HUMOR.