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Snail & Worm

Tina Kugler has credownloadated an engaging beginning reader book. This book contains three short story that feature Snail and Worm.  Snail is a happy, likable guy that is sometimes misguided in his understandings. Worm is more astute and is friends with Snail.

The repetitive words and phrases are enhanced by the colorful, simple drawings.  The page layout is a mix of traditional full page with minimal text and multiple images with in-line text.  Younger readers will laugh at the absurdity of Snail playing tag with a stick and a stone, but may miss the secondary joke concerning Snail’s speed. They will giggle as Snail climbs a flower that bends under his weight, leaving him 1/2 inch from the ground. Worm cheers him on as he makes the climb. “Wow, I can see so much from up here!” Snail exclaims. Worm responds, “I’m so proud of you.” What a supportive friend!

Snail & Worm will provide the beginning reader a sense of maturity as this book is a bit different than the traditional beginning readers in shape, layout and content. It will also offer the struggling older student a good choice without embarrassment.