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Shaken Up

Shaken Up is part of The Kicks series by Olympic Gold Medalist, FIFA Women’s World Cup Champion and US Women’s National Soccer Team member Alex Morgan.  The series holds obvious appeal for young girl athletes.  The main character, Devin is a middle school soccer player beset with friend, crush, and self-confidence issues typical of that age.  As a new resident of California, she is “freaked out” when a earthquake hits and it affects her ability to cope with both soccer team rivalries and the challenges of middle school life.  The story resolves with her on top in the friend, crush, and soccer drama.

The content is more appropriate for a middle school audience, but the simple plot and “cute” cover is a better fit for younger grades.  While this is definitely a recreational read, it could easily be used in the classroom as an example for writers to “write what you know.”