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Seattle Seahawks

This 2011 publication  is sure to please young Seattle Seahawks fans.  Brimming with colorful photos, football statistics, and the history of the franchise, readers will learn how difficult the early years are for a new team.  Play-off picks (good and bad), the changeover in coaches and players, and missed opportunities tell the story from 1972 when the construction of the Kingdome began, to 1974 when Pete Rozelle awarded the franchise, to 2006 when the Seahawks went to the Super Bowl, through the 2010 season.  The reader learns that when the team played their first season in 1976, names were put on their helmets to help the players learn each other’s names.  Sidebars with interesting anecdotes, a timeline of important events, Quick Stas, and Quotes all help round-out the quality of the book.