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Ruffer’s Birthday Party

This is a math concept book for addition and subtraction.

Nora is counting down the days to her dog, Ruffer’s birthday. “Nora is planning a birthday party for him– an awesome, unforgettable birthday party.” Nora decides which people and their pet friends to invite, then begins adding up the number of invitations to send.  (3 + 6 + 2 = 11 ) Nora and Ruffer cross out the four days until the party day on the calendar page, one day at a time. When Nora goes to bake “the most delicious puppy cake” there are not enough eggs. They need 10 eggs, they have 4 eggs, they need 6 more eggs. “Oh no! Ruffer accidentally stepped on the egg carton and broke too* eggs! … Nora needs eight more eggs. She decides to buy one carton, which has ten** eggs.” At the store there is a sale happening, so subtraction is shown on the various signs:  


$3 per carton

Today only:

You save $1

Only $2

Then, they add the prices on the receipt using partial sums. ( $4 + $5 = $9 + $2 = $ 11) Cake baked just in time, the guests arrive for the party. Ruffer graphs the number of bones, stuffed animals, and balls received  and adds the columns. They play ring toss before the party ends.

The illustrations are cute, fun, and animated.

Includes 2 adult help pages and 2 pages of “Addition and Subtraction Game with Ruffer”.

*“too” should be two

** Perhaps eggs are sold in cartons of 10 in South Korea ( where this book originated) , but  seldom, if ever, in the USA.