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Author Maggie Rosier provides insight into the skill of drawing 8 different robots illustrated by Steve Porter.

The beginner should start by drawing from a picture before drawing from their imagination. Basic supplies include drawing pencils with both soft (B) and hard (H) lead, in addition to colored pencils, paper, eraser, and black ink pen.

Drawing each robot is broken down into 5 steps beginning with the rudimentary basic key shapes, secondary shapes / appendages,  robot specific appendages/ gadgets,  fine detail, and finally shading and coloring.

Each robot is introduced with a mini-bio description of its different skills, abilities, attributes, and how body follows function.

Along the way, insets provide tips: go from light to dark, highlights, break it down to basic shapes, and test color combinations before coloring actual drawing.

Includes: glossary, index, and www.factsurfer.com.