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Pom Pom Panda Gets the Grumps

Pom Pom wakes up on the wrong side of the bed and nothing seems to go right.  He can’t find his blanket, his brother is playing with his favorite toy, his cereal is soggy and it goes on and on with Pom Pom responding with “Harrumph!” to everything and everyone around him.  Finally Pom Pom yells at his friends on the school playground to, “Go, away!” and is surprised when they do. Pom Pom realized that isn’t really what he wants.  Finally the acceptance of his apology turns Pom Pom’s day around, that is until he’s tagged by his friend Buddy in a game of tag. “Harrumph.”

Pom Pom’s scowl and posture clearly reinforce his grumps.  This is a good choice for young children learning to recognize their feelings and the consequences of their behaviors.