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Pick a Circle, Gather Squares: a fall harvest of shapes

I know some math teachers who would be disgruntled with this book, for some the artistic license that it takes with the precision of shape definitions:  apples, pumpkins, and balloons may be more or less spherical, but not exactly so, and as three dimensional objects, using the two-dimensional term “circle” to describe them would be even less accurate; some of the checks and seed packets that are meant to represent squares are a bit wrinkly & wonkey, which really makes them not exactly squares, and there’s no squares included on the recktangle page, even though squares are technically rectangles… But if you’re just trying to get a general idea of shapes across to preschoolers, and get them looking at the world around them, the illustrations are bright and the rhyming story of the trip to the farm is fun, with lots of hunting to be done on each page to see how many different things they can find to represent the shape in question.