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Pet Guinea Pigs Up Close

Larger than life close-up photos ( 9 X 11in. ) of guinea pigs are on every right hand page throughout this Early Intervention reading non fiction book. The book is presented in nine parts: Purr-fect Piggies, Eyes, Nose, Whiskers, Ears, Teeth, Legs, Feet , and Fur. Text on the left hand hand page is factually presented in three or four sentences. “Cavies’ big eyes see in color, but they don’t see very well. ” ( p. 6) Guinea pigs or cavies ( “another name for a guinea pig” (p. 22 [glossary] ) possess a good sense of smell, hearing and touch- through their whiskers.

Nice addition to a library’s 636 pet section.

208 word count.

Includes:www. facthound