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Paper Towns

Quentin Jacobsen has adored his next door neighbor, Margo Roth Speigelman, for as long as he can remember. Even though they had a few adventures as children, Quentin knows the quirky, popular Margo is out of his league now.  Until one night when she climbs through his bedroom window at midnight to invite him on an all night rampage of revenge.  The next day at school, Quentin hopes everything will be different now. It is and it isn’t.  Margo has disappeared – again. She has left clues behind – again. But this time the clues seem to be directed directly at Quentin. And he is determined not to let her down.  

Margo is misunderstood by her parents and unwilling to conform to gain their love. I wanted to understand what made her tick, why she was compelled to run. Quentin’s friends supply excellent comic relief: Ben who refers to himself in the third person, refers to all girls as hunnybunnies, and will do anything to get a date for prom; and Radar, whose family collects black Santas.  But it is Quentin’s journey that is the most engaging and will draw readers in. I wanted him to be successful in his quest, and I couldn’t wait to see how he accomplished his goal.

I have been a fan of John Green since meeting him at WLMA a few years ago. This is by far my favorite to date.