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Odyssey of Flight 33, The

“You’re traveling through another dimension not only of sight and sound but of the mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That’s the signpost up ahead–your next stop, the Twilight Zone!”  This book is an adaptation from Rod Serling’s original script. Read the book and then watch the episode on HULU !

On a flight from London to New York, there are a few passengers exchanging pleasantries and small talk, when for some unknown reason the plane begins to accelerate. Then Rod Serling, sitting in a passenger seat on Flight 33, says, “The plane is simply going too fast, and nothing within the realm of knowledge…or at least logic… can explain it.”  The plane lurches and is still accelerating, fasten your seat belts sign goes on, the captain makes a calming and reassuring intercom announcement, navigation and radio are both out, one passenger is oblivious, one passenger is sensing danger, and another passenger is clowning around with impossible scenarios. The pilot descends below the cloud cover to look for landmarks. Finally they are in contact with Laguardia, BUT this plane has traveled back in time to 1939. The pilot retraces his steps and the plane travels even further back in time to the days of dinosaurs. Once again, the pilot retraces his steps, this third time (is not the charm) they arrive in the future… a fourth try to get back from the ‘Twilight Zone.’