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No More Excuses: Dismantling Rape Culture

After the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse scandal became public in late 2017, the #MeToo movement went viral. Girls and women spoke up about the assaults so many have faced (the CDC reports that 1 in 5 women are raped during their lifetimes), and the sexual harassment that many more face daily. And it is not only females. Surveys report that as many as 1 in 33 boys and men have experienced sexual assault. Shockingly, only 3% of rapists ever serve time in jail. With the spotlight currently on sexual assault, it is timely that No More Excuses: Dismantling Rape Culture has been published (January, 2019). This text on rape culture explores gender norms, the intersection of race and gender, and how the transgender population is disproportionately affected by rape. The author, Amber Keyser also discusses restorative justice and how it can be used by all those affected in cases of sexual assault or harassment.

The book highlights some high profile cases, such as the “Stanford Swimmer” Brook Turner, and USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar. There are quotes from teens, politicians, activists, and feminists. The highly readable format includes photos with captions, inserts, extensive source notes, a glossary, further reading lists of both fiction and nonfiction, films, and hashtags. There is a section on current legislation such as Title IX and age-of-consent laws.