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Molly, By Golly! The Legend of Molly Williams, America’s First Female Firefighter

In the early 1800s, Molly Williams was a cook for Mr. Aymar and his volunteer firefighters.  One winter, when many volunteers were ill with influenza, a house caught fire.  Molly rushed out, gathered boys to warn others, and raced to the equipment shed.  She put on a helmet, gloves, and “splatterdashes”, assisted the struggling men pull the pumper to the fire, fill it with buckets of water, and pull burning wood away from the house.  Molly is known as the first female volunteer firefighter.  There is an author’s note and some frequently asked questions and answers in the back.  Both author Dianne Ochiltree and illustrator Kathleen Kemly attempted to portray Molly and the early firefighters as accurately as possible.  There is an extensive list of books to read, websites and links, places to visit, and a bibliography included.  Many historical facts are included in the story and represented in the illustrations.