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Maple and Willow Apart

Can a story be too cute?  If so, I think Maple and Willow Apart is that book.  The third story of the sisters by Lori Nichol has Maple beginning kindergarten and Willow is home learning how to entertain herself.  As Maple comes home each day she excitedly tells Willow what happened at school that day, and Willow starts to come up with equally exciting news to share with Maple.  They are each a little jealous of each other.  It isn’t until Willow invents a new friend named Pip, that Maple realizes she misses being with Willow each day. Over the weekend they play together, and when the new week starts, Willow tells Maple that Pip wants to go to school with her.  Pip is actually an acorn but throughout the story you see a little boy wearing a knit cap that actually looks like the top of an acorn.  Both the story and the illustrations are simple and beautiful.  This book would be an excellent addition to any library and parents of young children could use it to guide their children.