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Living in …Mexico

This book is told through the eyes of young Rosa who lives on the lower Baja Peninsula with her family. Rosa tells her followers about Mexico being in North America with beaches, deserts, rain forests, and mountain ranges. Rosa’a parents take tourists on whale watching tours. Rosa goes to school after a breakfast of fried eggs, beans, and sauce on a tortilla. In school “we are learning about archaeology (say: ark-ay-AHL-oh-jee), which is the study of ancient cultures. There are many places in Mexico where the remains of ancient cities still stand.” Her school is taught in Spanish in the morning and in English in the afternoon.  In history, they learn about the Olmec, Mayans, Aztecs, Europeans explorers and conquerors. People “fought many battles with Spain… won their freedom in 1812… became Mexico!”

Lunch is the big meal of the day. There are after school programs for children while their parents go back to work.

Rosa likes the November holiday the Day of the Dead.

Rosa’s family eat a light supper before she goes to bed.

The first page of this book is a glossary of eleven entries. The last page is “ALL ABOUT MEXICO” which includes: the official name of the country, population, capital, official language, total area, government, currency, fun facts, and flag.

This book does not have a table of contents or an index.