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Lives of the Presidents: fame, shame (and what the neighbors thought)

I loved this book.  I put off reading it for a long time because I thought it was going to be a chore, but it was actually a lot of fun, and I learned a lot, too.  A collective biography of U.S. presidents from George Washington to Barak Obama, this book focuses more on who the presidents were as people, rather than focusing on policies and politics.  With some of the less interesting presidents earning only 1/3 of a page, and others granted four whole pages, each biography includes a caricature, birth and death dates and locations (where applicable), and an interesting look at who that president was, including bits about their marriages and family lives, and what kinds of foods they liked to eat, as well as some pertinent historical stuff.  I gotta tell you — over the years we’ve had some pretty useless presidents.  I just wish they included at the beginning of each (or else a timeline somewhere) the dates for which each was president.