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Little Red Hood

This humorous basic retelling of the traditional Little Red Riding Hood tale contains a surprise ending.  The text is simple and the red and black illustrations are sketchy with jagged lines on a clear white background.  Although the sentences are also spare, they are written in cursive which may require an older audience.  Text for the wolf is written in black; text for Little Red is in red.  She points out the obvious large ears, big eyes, sharp teeth and when he says “all the better to eat you with”, Little Red responds with an unbelievable “No”.  When questioned, she tells him he has stinky breath and offers him a sweet.  The candy is poisoned.  As the wolf topples over in a red death, Little Red’s last word is “Fool!”  No need to be rescued by others for her.  Sweet ending?  Not?  Either way, it is a new take on an old tale.