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In this sci-fi novel, a time period paralleling the start of World War I, the son of the Archduke of Austria, Aleksandar, escapes from his father’s German killers.  Meanwhile in Britain, a young girl, Deryn Sharp, disguises herself as a boy so that she can join the British air service.  Their paths collide despite the scientific discoveries of their countries.  The Darwinist countries (Deryn) believe in the powers of natural science and creating new species with their understanding of genes.  Whereas, the Clanker countries believe that machine power is more powerful and not unnatural.  Despite the constant bickering of the two main characters, they grow to become good friends in their fight for survival.

This fast-paced novel will have readers biting their finger nails!  Even if readers are well-versed in World War I history, this explosive story will keep the reader guessing.  The writing is descriptive and the characters are relateable; a telling perspective on human interaction even in a “different reality.    The illustrations give the reader an image of the Darwinist creations and the Clanker machines.  From sci-fi fans to historical fiction fans, this novel will have you at the edge of your seat.

Michael S.