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Last Sacrifice

The last year of Rose Hathaway’s life wraps up her typical dramatic flare in Last Sacrifice, the final installment of the Vampire Academy novels.  Rose is on her way to becoming her best friend Lissa’s guardian when the unimaginable happens – she is accused of murdering the queen, which is also her boyfriend’s aunt.   Well connected, she manages to escape with others help and will be a fugitive, traveling up and down the east coast until she figures out who really killed Titania and why she was framed.  Of course, Rose’s romantic life cannot be left to dwindle while she’s gone.  Though her boyfriend is still back at the court, her true arua-ly connect soul mate Dimitri will put up his guard while traveling with her.  Both will come to conclusions that the physical fighting is easy, but it’s why they fight that matters.   Once again, Richelle Mead’s fast-paced narrative that includes Rose being able to connect to others with through dreams and channeling gives a reader 24 hours of vampire action per day.  The scene of passion between Rose and Dimitri is tame but true.  Rose will never give up and is heck of a role-model for vampire fans to unite around.