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Jack Frost

The illustrations in this book are amazing!  Strong enough to earn a recommendation all on their own.  To be honest, I found the story that accompanies them to be a bit convoluted and hard to follow, but there’s something so magical about the illustrations that I’m left feeling like my failure to follow the tale is somehow a lacking of imagination on my part.  It tells of a boy (at first called Nightlight, and later Jack Frost), who is best friends with the Man in the Moon and has sword an oath to the parents of the Man in the Moon to watch over and protect him, but after a battle with a nightmare, he falls to earth and seems to lose his way for a while, but the Man in the Moon remembers their friendship and keeps watch and eventually brings him out of his loneliness, by helping him to remember his oath, which he ends up turning toward the children of earth, and gives him purpose.  Interestingly, the book jacket recommends it for kids ages 4-8, but I thought it was more for older children, a picture book suitable for ages 8-12.  I think it takes the older kids to be able to follow the story, but maybe it takes the littler kids to lose themselves in it?