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Indiana Jones and the Arms of Gold, Part 4

Indiana Jones remains wildly popular, mainly with boys, in all formats.  In this graphic novel, we find Indy buried up to his neck in snow on a snow-capped mountain.  Of course, he gets himself free, gets down the mountain, and is looking for shelter.  He keeps seeing a ghostly image of an ancient Incan telling him what to do.  He is trying to rescue Francisca, a fellow professor, and meanwhile stumbles into an ancient tomb.  There he runs into Francisca and her crazy brother, who is besotted with ancient Mayan curses, and a small army of British mercenaries trying to steal the loot.  In the midst of the fighting, an earthquake strikes and Indy and Francisca are the only ones to escape from death by the falling rocks and caving in of the tomb.  He lives to fight another day.  I don’t have any of the preceding books, but this is enough like the movies to follow the storyline.  Fast action and a lot of drama.