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If…A Mind-Bending New Way of Looking at Big Ideas and Numbers

Wow! Totally cool! I love this book! But then I was not surprised, when I noticed that it’s the same author who created “If the World Were a Village” which is another book that I think is absolutely fabulous.  This book is all about taking really big numbers and illustrating them on a scale that makes them understandable, and those numbers are specific to some big ideas that shape our world and our society (e.g. representing all the wealth in the world as a pile of one hundred coins and the entire population of the world as 100 people to see the distribution; putting 3.5 billion years of life on earth into an hour and listing out when different life forms appear, with modern humans not showing up until 59 mintues and 59.8 seconds have gone by).  It includes a wide range items to draw its comparisons, but they are all things kids can recognize and relate to.  The illustrations support the text and help illustrate the ideas beautifully.  I think every library should have it!