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Hockey Meltdown

Dylan is fearless in sports, his favorite being ice hockey.  Just before school started, he fell while attempting a trick on his in-line skates and broke his wrist.  Ten weeks later, his cast is off but he has missed most of the practices.  He talks his coach into letting him play only to find his whole arm hurts when he tries to hit his power shots.  He is mad and sullen when the coach benches him.  Moping about not being to help his team, he is not sure why he should even suit up.  His friend, Nick, convinces him to watch the other team and give them advice on how to play better.  Dylan is surprised and grateful that he could help his team from the bench.  His observations pay off and his team wins.  Black and white illustrations support the story.  Includes glossary, discussion questions, writing prompts, as well as extra paragraphs about hockey positions and famous people who play them.